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Express offer

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Recent News


Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year's Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year's holidays as follows:

Our office will be open from 8:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m until Friday December 20, 2024.

From Saturday December 21, 2024 tillSunday January 5 2025 the office will be closed.

We will open the office on Moday January 6, 2025 with business hours 8:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m.

Wishing you a pleasant Advent!

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on Monday, October 28 due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


certified translations of birth certificates, marriage certificates, school reports and diplomas
certified translations of criminal records
including additional services: apostille and superlegalization of the documents of Czech origin, securing of notary certified copies


Судові переклади та нотаріальне завірення Ваших документів. Ви можете спілкуватися з нами українською.
Телефонуйте за номером 603 84 11 80 або завітайте до нашого офісу за адресою: Dukelských hrdinů 33, Praha 7.
Ми працюємо для Вас кожного буднього дня з 8:30 до 16:30. Чекаємо на Вас!
Юліанна Сокач
Atingo translatio


Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed tomorrow on July 5 (Friday) due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Завірені переклади НАВІТЬ У ВІДПУСТЦІ

Завірені переклади НАВІТЬ У ВІДПУСТЦІ
Дорогі друзі, шановні клієнти!
Навіть у період відпусток ми виконаємо для вас завірені переклади, в тому числі нотаріальні копії або переклади з вищим ступенем засвідчення.
Ми відкриті для вас по буднях з 8:30 до 16:30 у нашому офісі за адресою: Прага 7, Dukelských hrdinů 33.
Завітайте до нас особисто або зв'яжіться з нами за телефоном 603 84 11 80 чи надішліть свій запит електронною поштою на адресу:
Ви також можете спілкуватися з нами українською мовою.
Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на зустріч і бажаємо вам приємного літа
Юліанна Сокач
Atingo translatio


Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year's Holidays

Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year's Holidays

Dear Business Partners!

The Christmas time is just around the corner, so we would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year's holidays as follows:

Till Thursday December 21 our office will be opened as usual from 8:30 a.m. CET till 4:30 p.m. CET.
On Friday December 22 our office will be opened from 8:30 a.m. till 4 p.m. CET.
From Saturday December 23 till Tuesday December 26 our office will be closed.

From Wednesday December 27 till Friday December 29 our office will be opened from 10 a.m. CET till 4 p.m. CET.

Wishing you a pleasant Advent

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Судові переклади з української до чеської мови, також в експрес-термінах, включно з нотаріально завіреними копіями.
Детальна інформація за телефоном 603 84 11 80 або на


Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year's Holidays

Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year's Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year's holidays as follows:

From Monday December 19 till Friday December 23 our office will be opened from 8:30 a.m. CET till 4:30 p.m. CET.
From Saturday December 24 till Monday December 26 our office will be closed.

From Tuesday December 27 till Thursday December 29 our office will be opened from 10 a.m. CET till 4 p.m. CET.
On Friday December 30 our office will be opened from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. CET.

Wishing you a pleasant Advent

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


VOLNÉ MÍSTO - překladatel / korektor anglického jazyka

VOLNÉ MÍSTO - překladatel / korektor anglického jazyka

V současné době rozšiřujeme a posilujeme sekci anglického jazyka a z tohoto důvodu hledáme další spolupracovníky na externí spolupráci i na HPP na místa překladatelů a korektorů anglického jazyka.

Náplní práce překladatele a korektora jsou překlady z anglického jazyka do češtiny a naopak a příp. provádění jazykových korektur. Překlady a korektury se provádějí v různých oborech (ekonomie, strojírenství, stavebnictví, elektro, právo, ...).

- ukončené vysokoškolské vzdělání

- výborná znalost anglického a českého jazyka slovem a písmem
- uživatelská znalost práce s PC (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- znalost práce v CAT prostředích výhodou
- orientace v odborné tématice (právo, ekonomie, IT, stavebnictví, automobilismus, medicína / farmacie…)

Náplň práce:
- odborné překlady dokumentů
- odborné, jazykové a stylistické korektury již provedených překladů

- externí spolupráci nebo práci na HPP
- zaškolení pro práci v CAT prostředích (TWS)
- příjemné pracovní prostředí

Pokud máte o nabízenou pozici zájem, prosím zašlete na mailovou adresu "" Váš životopis a motivační dopis. Poté Vám budou zaslány k vyhotovení zkušební překlady.

Děkujeme Vám a těšíme se na Vaše odpovědi,

Soňa Faithová
Atingo translatio
mobil v pracovní dny 8:30 - 12:30 hod.: 603 84 11 80

Tato zpráva není návrhem na uzavření smlouvy ve smyslu občanského zákoníku a nemůže být proto přijata. Tato zpráva nemá povahu předsmluvní informace.


Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year's Holidays

Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year's Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year's holidays as follows:

From Monday December 20 till Wednesday December 22 our office will be opened from 8:30 a.m. CET till 4:30 p.m. CET.
On Thursday December 23 our office will be opened from 8:30 a.m. till 2 p.m. CET.
From Friday December 24 till Sunday December 26 our office will be closed.

From Monday December 27 till Wednesday December 29 our office will be opened from 8:30 a.m. CET till 4:30 p.m. CET.
On Thursday December 30 our office will be opened from 8:30 a.m. till 2 p.m. CET.
From Friday December 31 till Sunday January 2, 2022 our office will be closed.

Wishing you a pleasant Advent

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays as follows:

From Monday December 21 till Wednesday December 23 our office will be opened from 8:30 a.m. CET till 4:30 p.m. CET.
From Thursday December 24 till Sunday December 27 our office will be closed.
From Monday December 28 till Wednesday December 30 our office will be opened from 8:30 a.m. CET till 4:30 p.m. CET
From Thursday December 31 till Sunday January 3, 2021 our office will be closed.

Wishing you a pleasant Advent

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Atingo - working hours

Dear business friends,

our office is open on business days from 8.30 a.m. till 4.30 p.m., starting from Monday, March 30, 2020.
To arrange assignment or delivery of translation job outside these hours, contact us using phone +420 603 84 11 80 or this e-mail.

Scope of provided services, completion deadlines and contact persons remain unaffected.

Looking forward to continuous cooperation.

Yours truly,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Письменные переводы и нотариальное заверение документов

Атинго Вам предлагает услуги по переводу с европейских языков на русский и наоборот. Заверение письменных переводов присяжным переводчиком, нотариальное заверение документов.


Dear business friends,

May our thanks for your trust in 2019 accompany our wishes of nice Christmas and good outlook for the year 2020 to you.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays as follows:

From Tuesday December 24 till Sunday December 29 our office will be closed.
On Monday December 30 our office will be opened from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.
On Tuesday December 31, 2019 and Wednesday January 1, 2020 our office will be closed.
Since Thursday January 2, 2020 the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Bank Holiday in CR

Bank Holiday in CR

Dear business friends,

I take the opportunity to inform you that our office will be closed on Friday 5th of July due to bank holiday.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with you and wishing you a nice summer.

Best regards,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Quick & Quality Translations …

Quick & Quality Translation ...

100+ standard pages of film-makers\' documents from English into Czech in less than a week


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on May 8 (Wednesday) due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Quick & Quality Translations …

Quick & Quality Translations …

November / December: 420 standard pages from the field of construction equipment translated from English into Czech in less than 4 weeks


Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays as follows:

From Monday December 24 till Wednesday December 26 our office will be closed.
On Thursday December 27 and Friday December 28 our office will be opened from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.
On Monday December 31, 2018 and Tuesday January 1, 2019 our office will be closed.
Since Wednesday January 2, 2019 the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Sworn translations while-you-wait

Sworn translations while-you-wait


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on September 28 (Friday) due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Bank Holidays in CR

Bank Holidays in CR

Dear business partners,

I take the opportunity to inform you that our office will be closed on Thursday and Friday this week due to bank holidays.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with you and wishing you nice summer.

Best regards,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Sworn translations while-you-wait


May your Easter basket be blessed with Joy, Peace and Love


One brings luck, the second joy and the third health. May they always come to you jointly in the New Year.


Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\\\'s Holidays

Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\\\'s Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\\\'s holidays as follows:

From Monday December 18 till Thursday December 21 our office will be opened from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m.
On Friday December 22 our office will be opened from 8 a.m. till 5 p.m.
From Saturday December 23 till Tuesday December 26 our office will be closed.
On Wednesday December 27 and Thursday December 28 our office will be opened from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.
On Friday December 29 our office will be opened from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m.
From Saturday December 30 2017 till Monday January 1 2018 our office will be closed.
Since Tuesday January 2 2018 the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Public holiday in Czech Republic

Public holiday in Czech Republic

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed tomorrow on Friday November 17th due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advice that our office will be closed on September 28 (Thursday) due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Bank Holidays in CR

Bank Holidays in CR

Dear business partners,

I take the opportunity to inform you that our office will be closed on Wednesday and Thursday this week due to bank holidays.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with you and wishing you nice summer.

Best regards,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


In June and July, the opening hours will be from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m.


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on May 8 (Monday) due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


We are in search of employees for translation jobs from Czech into English and vice versa. We offer employment contract. Send your CV and motivation letter to e-mail Enter “překladatel angličtiny na HPP“ into subject line. In response, we will send you trial texts for translation. We will contact successful applicants by phone/mail.


Thank you for your collaboration in 2016. We wish you good health, good fortune and much contentment in the New Year!


Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

Notice of Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays as follows:

From Monday December 19 till Thursday December 22 our office will be opened from 8 a.m. till 7 p.m.
On Friday December 23 our office will be opened from 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.
From Saturday December 24 till Monday December 26 our office will be closed.
From Tuesday December 27 till Friday December 30 our office will be opened from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.
On Saturday December 31 2016 and on Sunday January 1 2017 our office will be closed.
Since Monday January 2 2016 the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Sworn translations while-you-wait

Sworn translations while-you-wait


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on November 17 (Thursday) due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Sworn translations while-you-wait

Sworn translations while-you-wait


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on September 28 (Wednesday) due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Sworn translations while-you-wait

Sworn translations while-you-wait


Bank Holidays in CR

Bank Holidays in CR

Dear business friends,

I take the opportunity to inform you that our office will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday in the first week of July.

Tuesday, July 5, and Wednesday, July 6, are bank holidays in the Czech Republic and our office will be closed.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with you and wishing you a nice summer.

Best regards,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Sworn translations while-you-wait

Sworn translations while-you-wait


Large localisation project for languages of the Balkans

Large localisation project for languages of the Balkans

From January until March we have completed translation and localisation of documents from the field of information systems into Slovenian, Albanian, Bosnian and Macedonian languages. All the texts were translated by native speakers and 100% proofread by another translator.


Atingo - Business Hours during Easter Holiday

Atingo - Business Hours during Easter Holiday

Dear partners,

This is to inform you that our office will be working regularly on Thursday 24 March from 8 am till 7 pm.
The office will be closed on Friday 25 March till Monday 28 March.

The business hours recommence as of Tuesday 29 March since 8 am.

Wishing you Happy Easter

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Dear business friends,

We would like to use this opportunity to wish you a lot of happiness in your private life and many professional achievements in New Year 2016.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Notice of a Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

Notice of a Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays as follows:

On Monday, December 21, and on Tuesday, December 22, our office will be open from 8 a.m. till 7 p.m.
On Wednesday, December 23, our office will be open from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m.
From Thursday, December 24 till Sunday, December 27 our office will be closed.
From Monday, December 28 till Wednesday, December 30 our office will be open from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m.
From Thursday, December 31 till Sunday, January 3, 2016 our office our office will be closed
Since Monday, January 4, 2016, the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Atingo - Public holiday in CR

Atingo - Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on November 17 (Tuesday) due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Atingo - Public holiday in CR

Dear partners,

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on July 6 (Monday) due to public holiday.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Quick & Quality Translations …

Quick & Quality Translations …

April / May - 240 standard pages from the field of heavy machinery translated from Czech into English in less than 4 weeks

March - 200 standard pages of German text dealing with noise insulation translated into Czech within 4 weeks

February / March - 230 standard pages of highly professional text from the field of stock trading translated into German and Bulgarian languages in 4 weeks


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on May 1 and on May 8 (Friday) due to public holiday.


Atingo - Business Hours at Easter

Atingo - Business Hours at Easter

Dear partners,

this is to inform you, that our office will be closed on Monday 6 April.

The business hours recommence as of Tuesday 7 April since 8 am.

Wishing you Happy Easter

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


In search of native-speaking freelance and/or in-house editors

In search of native-speaking freelance and/or in-house editors

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

We are a Translation Agency engaged in the business of providing translation and interpretation services, localization and professional proofreading.

Currently we need to expand and strengthen the English Language Section and for this reason we are in search of additional co-workers for positions of translators and proofreaders of English language both on a full-time employment and external basis.
The job content of translator and proofreader includes Czech to English translations (and vice versa) and/or proofreading. Translations and proofreading are provided in different fields (economy, engineering, IT, law,…).

We require:
- Completed university education
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English and Czech
- User PC skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Orientation in specialized fields (law, economy, IT, engineering, car industry, …)
- Competence with TRADOS and/or other CAT tools

Job content:
- Specialized translations of documents
- Technical, language and stylistic proofreading of completed translations
- Administration of translation memories and in-house vocabularies (in case of Full-Time Employment)
- Assessment of external translators (in case of Full-Time Employment)

We offer:
- External cooperation or Full-Time Employment
- Training in TRADOS and MemoQ work
- Pleasant working environment in a motivated team

Should you be interested in the position offered, please send your Curriculum Vitae and Motivation Letter (Cover Letter) to the following e-mail address: Thereafter you will receive trial translations to make.

Thank you and we look forward to your replies,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


This ad is not an offer to conclude an agreement pursuant to Civil Code and can\'t be interpreted as such. The ad excludes nature of pre-contract information.


Quick & Quality Translations …

Quick & Quality Translations …

January 2015 ... 150 standard pages of technical documentation translated from English into Czech in 14 days

January 2015 ... 140 standard pages of IT text translated from English into Czech in 14 days

December 2014 ... 160 standard pages in the field of security technology translated from English into Czech

December 2014 ... 360 standard pages of technical standard specification translated from Czech into English


Notice of a Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\\\'s Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\\\'s holidays as follows:

On Monday, December 22, our office will be open from 8 a.m. till 7 p.m.
On Tuesday, December 23, our office will be open from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m.
From Wednesday, December 24 till Friday, December 26 our office will be closed.
On Monday, December 29 and Tuesday, December 30 our office will be open from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m.
On Wednesday, December 31, will be open from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m.
On Thursday, January 1, 2015 and Friday, January 2, 2015 our office will be closed.
Since Monday, January 5, 2014, the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Atingo - Bank Holiday in CR

Atingo - Bank Holiday in CR

Dear business friends!

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on November 17 (Monday) due to bank holiday.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with you and wishing you a nice day.

Best regards,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on October 28 (Tuesday) due to holiday.

Wishing you a nice day

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Notification of Planned Power Outage

Notification of Planned Power Outage

Dear business partners!

This is to inform you, that there will be a planned power outage in our facilities on Friday, October 3, from 12.00 till 3.00 pm.

Our operations might be limited or interrupted during this period.
We kindly ask you forward the translation jobs in the morning hours, if possible. The jobs delivered between noon and 3.00 p.m. will be processed immediately upon restoration of power supply.
Neither we can deliver you the completed translation jobs during the outage period.

The phone contacts, including mobile ones should be functional.

Wishing you a nice day

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Quick & Quality Translations …

Quick & Quality Translations …

June/July … 474 pages of tax law and implementation procedures translated from Spanish and Portuguese into English in 6 weeks


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on May 8 (Thursday) due to holiday.


Public holiday in CR

Public holiday in CR

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on May 1 (Thursday) due to holiday.


Atingo - Business Hours at Easter

Atingo - Business Hours at Easter

Dear partners,

this is to inform you, that our office will be working regularly on Thursday, 17 April, and Friday, 18 April, from 8 am till 7 pm.
The office will be closed on Monday, 21 April.

The business hours recommence as of Tuesday 22 April since 8 am.

Wishing you Happy Easter

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


We translate into Armenian and Tajik languages using native speakers since January!

We translate into Armenian and Tajik languages using native speakers since January!


A Notice of a Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays as follows:

On Monday, December 23, our office will be open from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m.
From Tuesday, December 24 till Thursday, December 26 our office will be closed.
On Friday, December 27 and Monday, December 30 our office will be open from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m.
On Tuesday, December 31, 2013 and Wednesday, January 1, 2014 our office will be closed.
Since Thursday, January 2, 2014, the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Translating and interpreting for you on a new address from December!

Translating and interpreting for you on a new address from December!

Dear friends,

from November 25, 2013 you will find us on Strossmayerovo square on the following new address:
Dukelských hrdinů 33, Prague 7-Holešovice.
Telephone and fax numbers including e-mail addresses remain UNCHANGED.

We look forward to our next cooperation with you on the new address!

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Bank Holiday in the Czech Republic

Bank Holiday in the Czech Republic

Monday, October 28, is bank holiday in the Czech Republic and our office will be closed.


into other languages as well…

into other languages as well…

September … 200 standard pages translated into Georgian, Chinese, Farsi and Azeri


Quick & Quality Translations …

Quick & Quality Translations …

June/July … 486 pages of medical equipment manual translated from English into Czech in 3 weeks

July … 310 pages of office SW translated from English into Czech in 3 weeks

July/August … 210 pages of medical equipment document translated from English into Czech in 3 weeks


Bank Holiday in CR

Bank Holiday in CR

Dear business friends,

I take the opportunity to inform you that our office will be closed on Friday this week.
July 5 is holiday in the Czech Republic.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with you and wishing you a nice summer.

Best regards,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Public holiday in CR

We take the liberty to advise that our office will be closed on May 8 (Wednesday) due to holiday.

Orders for translation need to be forwarded by May 7 (Tuesday), and the translations will be completed from May 10 (Thursday).

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Now also Azeri and Farsi!

Starting from January, we are excited to offer translation by native Azerbaijani and Persian speakers.
We have already translated 217 standard pages into these languages during the first quarter of the year!

It would be a pleasure for us to offer our services also to you!


Quick & Quality Translations …

Quick & Quality Translations …

January 2013 ... translation of 242 pages of manual for car dealers from German to Czech in 12 days

January 2013 ... translation of 79 pages of technical document form the field of heavy machinery and metallurgy from German to Polish in 11 days


We offer you professional translations from the field of medicine. These include translations of medical reports and records, patient information leaflets, clinical studies, laboratory tests and analysis, and translations of documents for foreign travel. Optional legalization available.


A Notice of a Change in the Opening Hours during Christmas and New Year\'s Holidays

We would like to draw your attention to a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays as follows:

On Friday, December 21 our office will be open till 7 p.m.

From Monday, December 24 till Wednesday, December 26 our office will be closed.

On Thursday, December 27 and Friday, December 28 our office will be open from 11 a.m. till 5 p.m.

Since Wednesday, January 2, 2013, the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Quick & Quality Translations …

Quick & Quality Translations …

September 2012 –103 pages of technical documentation translated from German into Bulgarian within 7 days


Thursday, July 5, and Friday, July 6, are holidays in the Czech Republic and our office will be closed.

Thursday, July 5, and Friday, July 6, are holidays in the Czech Republic and our office will be closed.


Translation of safety data sheets with a 20% discount

Translation of safety data sheets with a 20% discount

Dear business partners,

Let us inform you about our current discount offering 20 % discount on translation of safety data sheet s from German or English to Czech.

We translate and localise safety data sheets in compliance with Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 and the latest Commission Regulation (EU) No. 453/2010 of 20 May 2010, while adhering to Czech Chemical Act No. 350/2011 Coll.

Our regular customers seeking translations of safety data sheets are e.g. Agrochem, .A.S.A., Bonatrans, Chesterton, and Shell.

We are looking forward to our future cooperation.

Best wishes,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio

P.S. This offer cannot be combined with other discounts. With more discounts available, you will be automatically provided with the higher one.


Christmas\'s greeting - notice of a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays

Dear business friends,

May our thanks for your trust and solid cooperation in 2011 accompany our wishes of nice Christmas and good outlook for the year 2012 to you.
We would like to draw your attention to a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays as follows:

On Friday 23 December our office will be open till 4 p.m.
From Tuesday 27 December to Friday 30 December our office will be open from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m.

Since Monday 2 January 2012, the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. till 7 p.m.

Best wishes

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Notice of a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays

Notice of a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays

Dear business partners,

We would like to draw your attention to a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year\'s holidays as follows:

On Friday 23 December our office will be open to 4 p.m.

From Tuesday 27 December to Friday 30 December our office will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Since Monday 2 January 2012, the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Best wishes

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Opening of a new bank account

Opening of a new bank account

Dear business partners,
We are happy to announce that starting today we cease charging fees for international transfers.
We believe this is good news for everyone and our new account will make mutual cooperation easier!

Please, forward the payments to an account in Tatrabanka, Bratislava, Slovakia:
Account Number: 2923863567/1100
IBAN: SK26 1100 0000 0029 2386 3567

Should you need more information on payments, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Roman Havránek in Atingo.

Best wishes
Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Quick & Quality Translations …

Quick & Quality Translations …

September 2011 … 355 pages of corporate standards and operating procedures translated within 6 weeks from Czech into Russian with comprehensive graphical processing

August 2011 … 250 pages of protocols from agronomical trials translated from Czech into English within 5 weeks including comprehensive graphical processing

June 2011 … 95 pages of Occupational Safety and Health Plan translated from Czech into German within 4 days

February 2011 … 554 pages of highly technical auditor reports translated for major multinational client from Czech into English

February 2011 … 312 pages of directives and legal documents translated within 18 days from Czech into English


Bank Holidays in CR

Dear business friends,

I take the opportunity to inform you that our office will be closed down on Tuesday and Wednesday in the first week of July.

Tuesday, July 5, and Wednesday, July 6, are holidays in the Czech Republic and our office will be closed.

Therefore, you are kindly requested to forward your translation requirements by Monday, July 4, and the completed translations will be delivered to you again on Thursday, July 7.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with you and wishing you a nice summer.

Best regards,

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Orders for Slovakia administered from Prague office

Dear business partners,
Atingo has sold its share in the Slovak branch, and further commercial activities on the Slovak market are now organised directly by the Prague office.

The operation of the Prague office remains unchanged. Office hours on weekdays are from 8 am to 7 pm. Orders for clients from Slovakia are arranged by Mrs Anna Kocurková together with Mrs Zdeňka Lichtenberková.

You are also invited to contact the Prague office by telephone on +420 251 512 233, +420 257 315 353 or by mobile on +420 603 841 180. Fax number is +420 257 313 573. You can also contact us by e-mail at the addresses and

We look forward to co-operating with you. We shall exert our maximum endeavour in order to ensure that you remain continually satisfied with our services.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Notice of a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year's holidays

We would like to draw your attention to a change in the opening hours of the Prague and Bratislava Offices during Christmas and New Year's holidays as follows:

From Monday 20 December to Thursday 23 December our Offices will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; on Friday 24 December our Offices will be closed.

From Monday 27 December to Thursday 30 December our Offices will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; on Friday 31 December our Offices will be closed.

Since Monday 3 January 2011, the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Please note that our Bratislava office will be closed on Monday, November 1 due to national holiday.

Dear business friends,

I take the opportunity to inform you that our Slovak branch will be closed on Monday, November 1 due to national holiday.

Czech branch operates normally. We will handle your translation requirements during usual working hours from 8 a.m. till 7 p.m.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with you and wishing you a nice autumn.


Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Please note that our office will be closed on Thursday, October 28 due to national holiday.

Dear business friends,

I take the opportunity to inform you that our Czech office will be closed on Thursday, October 28 due to national holiday.

Therefore, you are kindly requested to forward your translation requirements by Wednesday, October 27, provided the completed translations will be delivered to you again on Friday, October 29.

We are looking forward to further cooperation with you and wishing you a nice autumn.


Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Graphical Works - at Budget Price and in Common Setting

Dear Business Partners,

In your everyday business practice you often come across the need of a document graphic layout. This includes such tasks as modifications of legends in pictures in a text Word file, processing of tables for the catalogue, creation of a manual or modifications of a material safety data sheet into the required graphic format.

These often represent unrewarding tasks as they take a lot of time, moreover with an uncertain outcome - but at the same time it seems uneconomical to perform such tasks in specialized DTP applications and at exorbitant prices. In addition, by transferring the documents into the DTP environment user usually misses a chance for documents to be further processed, adjusted, copied, etc.

Until now Atingo has been providing you with such and similar graphic activities exclusively in connection with translations we had done for you. We have a team of experienced staff who manage the jobs in common applications (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint) with excellence, attaining outstanding results. However, the recent feedbacks have shown that the interest in this type of services is much greater. Therefore we have decided to offer such service also separately.

We will do graphic processing of texts, including graphs, tables and pictures being integrated into the text according to your requirements. The work will be done as per your needs in MS Word, MS Excel or MS PowerPoint (in such way that the files can be further processed) or in PDF (Adobe Acrobat). Nevertheless, we can also prepare DTP outputs in Adobe InDesign or in Adobe Illustrator, if required.

Among the advantages of our services are processing of documents in a common environment, a possibility of further work with documents, and last but not least a highly competitive price.

We believe this offer will be of interest to you and we look forward to further co-operation with you.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


Atingo - Contractual Partner of the European Commission for Translations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia


season's greeting * * * * * * * notice of a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year's holidays

May our thanks for your trust and solid cooperation in 2009 accompany our wishes of nice season and good outlook for the year 2010 to you.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


A Notice of a change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year's holidays

We would like to draw your attention to a change in the opening hours of the Prague and Bratislava Offices during Christmas and New Year's holidays as follows:

From Monday 21 December to Wednesday 23 December our Offices will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; on Thursday 24 December and Friday 25 December our Offices will be closed.

From Monday 28 December to Wednesday 30 December our Offices will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; on Thursday 31 December 2009 and Friday 1 January 2010, our Offices will be closed.

Since Monday 4 January 2010, the opening hours will be again from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Jana Pokorná
Atingo translatio


In search of native-speaking freelance and in-house translators and editors

Dear Madam, dear Sir,

We are a Translation Agency engaged in the business of providing translation and interpretation services in European and Balkan languages and Chinese and professional proofreading.

Recent News

Recent News

We would like to draw your attention to change in the opening hours during Christmas and New Year's holidays as follows:

Our office will be open from 8:30 a.m. till 4:30 p.m until Friday December 20, 2024.

From Saturday December 21, 2024 tillSunday January 5 2025 the office will be closed.

We will open the office on Moday January 6, 2025 with business hours 8:30 a.m. til...

View all »